This top quality treblehook from Owner is the ultimate choice when fishing for salmon with my helicopter rigs. The hookdimensions on Owner STN 46 BC 2X fullfills the small hook requirements in the danish salmon rivers – and it has plenty of strength to deal with even the biggest salmon. Up til now this hook has caught atlantic salmon up to 17 kilos on helicopter rigs in the danish rivers. In the rivers where barbs are prohibitet, the microbarbs on this hook is easily pressed down with a normal flatnose or needlenose plier
Size 10 is the allround standard choice for fx condom spinners and size 12 can be used for smaller spinners or when fishing for very big seatrout in narrow rivers. Size 8 is for lager salmon baits and as tail stinger to tit in paddletail of big shads for pike fishing. These hooks are also the perfect choice if you want to experiment with release rigs for salmon trolling.
See how to make the helicopter rig for spinners here
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