Jens Bursells Seatrout In-line Release Rig will enable you to obtain a sky high landing rate averaging 86 % of all contacts you have, if you tie the rig right – and fish it the right way. This is almost double up on the landing rate compared to the landing rate even highly experiences coastseatroutanglers obtain with the traditional in-line set-up with much larger hooks (approx 45 %). The theory behind this – and the highly significant statistics behind it (based on over 7.000 logged seatrout contacts), you can read much more about in the book “Havørred – Refleksioner på kysten” also sold here in the shop (in danish).
With this new 2022 version of the rig – being much more easy to tie and to use in practice compared to the old version – you not only get a much higher landing rate. You also cause less damage to the fish, because smaller hooks with smaller barbs makes smaller hookwounds and causes less bleeding to the fish. Additionally it gives shorter unhooking times. The rig can be made for either two or just one treble. The most flexible solution is to tie two solid-rings into the rig from the start. This gives you the opportunity to use two hooks when fx few big fish is around – or just one treble if you run into shoals of small fish, where a lot of them are going to be released.
With this kit the in-line lure is extremely easy to modify – and with this new 2022 version of the Seatrout In-line Release Clip its very easy to “click” the lure on/off the rig – even with cold fingers. The genius Seatrout In-line Release Clip acts both as anchor point for the in-line braid, as rotation bead for the lure – and as the “claw” that clicks the rig on/off the lure in the rear end. At the same time the bead creates the perfect angle and distance between the lure – and the rig. How this exellent rig is tied is explained in detail in the above mentioned book.
In this kit you get all the nessecary materials for the seatrout release rig for in-line lures (a, b, c etc is references to steps in how to make the rig in the book – and on photo below): a) 1 roll with 25 meters of 0,37 mm Ace Riverge top quality fluorocarbon with the right strength, form-memory and friction for these rigs, b) 12 Decoy SN-5 Spiral Snaps (instead of Søvik snap shown on the photo), c) 1 packet with 15 Drennan Float Stop Small, d+g) Drennan 7 lbs Gardner Power Gum for the stop knot, e-f) 2 x 10, 3,0 mm Stenzel Leader Rings (solid rings) to mount the hooks, j) 25 x fine wire split-rings sz. 0, i) 2x 8 Owner St 36 BC X trebles. On top of this you get 10 Seatrout in-line Release Clips for semi-fixing the rear end of the lure to the rig + 10 x 2,0 mm Stenzel Leader Rings (solid rings) to mount modified in-liner in the snaplock. The piece of 0,15-0,20 mm braid to connect these two inside the in-line lure is not included in this pack, as most anglers have some spare pieces of this type of line on there spinning reels or elsewhere.
NB: In-line lure NOT included in this kit. Enough materials for at least 10 rigs
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